We offer multiple ultrasounds during your pregnancy. For example, we can already plan an early ultrasound at 7 weeks, you will receive a term ultrasound around 10-12 weeks of pregnancy and at 36 weeks we look at the growth and position of your baby.
In addition to these ultrasounds, you can choose whether you want to use the 13-week ultrasound and 20-week ultrasound. The baby is checked from head to toe. Your midwife will provide more information about this during the check-up.

The term ultrasound, 13 and 20 week ultrasound are reimbursed by the health insurence.
In addition to the ultrasounds that are reimbursed by the insurance, you can opt for additional ultrasounds such as the gender-determining ultrasound, a 2D/3D ultrasound or an extra growth measurement.